
Login questions

  • You will receive this e-mail when you have already successfully registered once. Registration is then no longer necessary! Click on forgotten password to create a new password in order to log in successfully.
Tag: idn
  • Probably your e-mail address is not entered correctly, we advise you to register again and please check your e-mail address.
Tag: idn
  • You probably did not enter a mobile number when you registered or you entered a wrong telephone number. Please call our helpdesk, they can check and change this with you.
Tags: econocom, idn
  • Check your e-mail box, maybe the e-mail ended up in your spam box.
  • It may take a few minutes before you receive the e-mail, we ask for your patience.
  • You can still log in directly, the e-mail is only a confirmation of the log in details you provided.
Tag: idn
  • Your data are safe within the school environment and are not visible to the supplier. Only the order(s) you have entered and paid for will be processed by the supplier for delivery, warranty service etc.
Tags: econocom, idn

Questions about your payment

  • Please make a print screen or a picture of the screen of this payment from your bank or bank statement and use this form.
  • In case of a Sepa transfer it may take a few days!
Tag: idn
  • Please make a print screen or a photo of the screen of this error message, or write down this error message, and use this form.
Tag: idn

Questions about your order

  • Orders are collected centrally by the supplier after closing the shop, prepared for the school/college and sent directly to the school/college. The exact delivery date is agreed between the supplier and the school/college. If the school/college is closed or another agreement has been made with the school/college, the orders are sent directly to the private address.  In connection with Corona, the delivery date may be postponed. For college students, the supplier may choose to deliver directly to the private address. Only then is this address option to the private address selectable in your webshop.
Tag: idn
  • Use this form and clearly indicate in the description the change/or addition. The helpdesk will handle this as soon as possible.
Tag: idn
  • If the colour is not listed then unfortunately it is not available.
Tags: econocom, idn
  • Open, unpaid orders with status “Not active/waiting” can be deleted by clicking on the “Cancel” button. This can be found under “Orders”.
Tags: econocom, idn
  • Yes in most cases.nUse this form and clearly indicate in the description the change and/or addition.nThe helpdesk will handle this as soon as possible.
Tag: idn
  • Click on your “shopping cart”;
  • On the bottom left you will see a button with “back”;
  • By clicking on it, you will return to the webshop;
  • In the webshop, you will see which product/bundle you have selected (the selection button will bencoloured GREEN);
  • By clicking on the GREEN coloured button again, you will undo the selection.
Tags: econocom, idn